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Why You Should Use ESOP Corporate Resources, Inc.

  1. Over two decades of experience in ESOPs.
  2. Involved in the implementation of hundreds of ESOPs.
  3. Use of the foremost ESOP attorney in the nation as counsel.
  4. One of the largest national turn-key service for ESOPs in continual operation.
  5. A complete "turn-key" operation for the client:
    • Strategic planning for the company and the ESOP.
    • Design and installation of the ESOP plan.
    • Preparation of ESOP Plan and Trust Documents.
    • Favorable IRS Letter of Determination.
    • Disclosure to employees through a Summary Plan Description (SPD).
    • Communications programs for the employees.
    • Liquidity study for the emerging repurchase liability with funding recommendations.
    • Financial consulting with corporate management and advisors.
    • Coordination with other plans: qualified and non-qualified.
    • Coordination of the functions of the plan with administrators, the Trustee and the independent stock appraisers and with corporate officers and the ESOP Committee.
  6. Complete administration of the ESOP:
    • Compliance analysis for ERISA, TEFRA, DEFRA and REA.
    • Analysis of contributions, forfeitures and gains and losses for each participant's account.
    • Annual reports with complete year end accounting.
    • Preparation of annual employee's statements.
    • Computation of all distributions.
    • Preparation of all IRS and DOL reports.
    • Preparation of all reports to participants and beneficiaries.
  7. Provide a continuing consultation resource to the client for the life of their ESOP.
  8. Complete employee communication packages are available to develop an Ownership Culture with the employees and the ESOP.
  9. Financing sources are available for leveraged ESOPs.
  10. Specialized ESOP techniques for funding the emerging repurchase liability of the ESOP plus CHESOP, WRT, CRUT, CRAT, NIMCRUT and KSOP planning.


Investments offered by representatives of and through Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation, a broker-dealer (member SIPC), and registered investment advisor. Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation and it’s representatives do not offer tax or legal advice. ESOP Corporate Resources, Inc. is not an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation.


Not all registered representatives with our firm are able to offer advisory services.
See Lincoln Financial Securities (LFS’) Form CRS Customer Relationship Summary, available here, for succinct information about the relationships and services LFS offers to retail investors, related fees and costs, specified conflicts of interest, standards of conduct, and disciplinary history, among other things. LFS’ Forms ADV, Part 2A, which describe LFS’ investment advisory services, Regulation Best Interest Disclosure Document, which describes LFS’ broker-dealer services, and other client disclosure documents can be found here. LFS-3553861-041921